Forum Discussion

dcason's avatar
Jul 22, 2016

Does walmart sell wine in NJ and PA?

Need to restock hubby's cheap wine...
  • There are a few grocery stores that sell wine in PA.

    But, the LCB has not authorized the general sales at grocery, convenience, etc. stores.

    Welcome to the Quaker State. :(
  • Wine in PA is sold in state run liquor stores plus wine can be sold at the winery where it is made.
  • Funny how the laws are different everywhere. Few weeks ago, when passing through Oklahoma, I stopped at Walmart to buy a box of wine for the camper. They sold beer, but no wine. I was told I had to go to a liquor store for that. Then you go to St. Louis, and they sell everything in Walgreens and the grocery stores. In Texas, we can buy beer and wine in grocery stores. But, we have to rely on our awesome liquor stores such as Spec's for anything harder.
  • dcason wrote:
    What other stores in pa...weiss?

    Unfortunately, you would have to check with each store to see if it has a wine license. I don't think there are a lot of stores that sell it.

    Pennsylvania runs its own liquor/wine stores. The state really doesn't want competition.
    It's an antiquated system but, it's all we have.

    Take a road trip and go to Maryland. :)
  • Pennsylvania is in the process of changing their antiquated liquor laws. Soon beer and wine will be sold in stores. Meanwhile, I'll continue to stock up in FL and other states. Plus, duty free coming back from Canada.
  • Tom N wrote:
    Pennsylvania is in the process of changing their antiquated liquor laws. Soon beer and wine will be sold in stores. Meanwhile, I'll continue to stock up in FL and other states. Plus, duty free coming back from Canada.

    I stock up in CT because NY and particularly NYC prefer their antiquated laws for every vice I have that is legal: cig-ar-ettes and whiskey. Wild, wild women do lil in my life.