Holes in the top piece? YES, there better be. We have 6 egglets and they work perfect in the microwave. A drop of butter or equivalent in the egglet bottom, crack an egg into the egglet, put the egglet top on, microwave on high for 40 seconds or 45 seconds for 2 or more egglets, take it out and let it cool for half a minute, remove the top and turn the bottom over and the perfect hardboiled egg falls right out. Use a paper towel to wipe the inside of the egglet out and put it away or cook some more. Dollar Tree has them for $1 each! Works to perfection and no pans to clean and your hard boiled egg is ready to eat in 1 minute and 15 seconds!!! Beat that!!!
Makes omelets also and loaded omelets too, egg shaped. If desired, break the yolk with a fork and stir and then add about anything like bacon, onions, green and/or red peppers, other seasonings etc whatever, or even a teaspoon etc of milk and you have a personal size egg quiche. Also makes a scrambled egg by chopping the cooked egg up on your plate with your fork.
Egglet eggs means NO dirty pans at all to clean, NO peeling of the eggs, and is done ready to eat in a fraction of the time. Egglets are a blessing for egg cooking when RV'ing and at home too!
Also have 4 of the non-hole egglets for dropping into boiling water but we never use them anymore as it takes so long to do and they come out no different than the microwave method.