Wife is reading the suggestions. She bought a new blender this evening, so I can go buy a new rifle...yeaah that's the ticket.
I've heard others talk of using liquor in the crust. Last years State Fair Winner used Jack Daniels. My suggestion to wife was to set a bottle of Jack Blacknext to her pies and let them add their own or a shot and a bite. She threw something at me. Too fast to tell what.
We were brought up Puritanical, and I mean it. She refuses to even talk about liquor let alone have any in the house.
I may have to help her out when she's not looking.
Bought Honey Crisp and Johnathans, at a n Orchard not ripe to me.
Be a couple weeks, and almost too late for Delicious and Winesaps not til mid next month.
Have to drive to Ga to get some ripe, I suppose.
40.00 a bushel but 198 a lb in Walmart The half bushel of Honey crisp felt about 30 lbs. At 20.00 she saved 40.00 and more than that at other Supermarkets. along the way at various stands, Ripe heirloom tomatoes five pounds or so 1.50. Next week, several bushels of green beans.