Forum Discussion

Noel's avatar
Mar 24, 2015

I have a problem with hard boiled eggs........

.......not cooking or eating them, but PEELING them. The shell comes off with pieces of egg attached. I used to be able to peel them easily, but I guess I forgot.

I used to take them out of the pan when done; crack the shells all over and add cold water and leave them alone for awhile. Worked fine...I thought. No more. What method do you use to get an easy peeled HBE?

Does the age of the egg have anything to do with it? There is a thin membrane between the shell and egg. Is this the culprit ?

  • True story follows:

    MANY years ago I had 60 Rhode Island Reds. One evening after work we had gathered in the local gin mill to raise a few. At one point I was asked how many eggs a day does one of them lay.

    I answered roughly 3 eggs every two days, which averages out to one and one-half eggs each day.

    One of the guys had a little rip in his marble bag at that point of imbibing because then he asked me ....
    'Wait a minute. How the hell does a chicken lay half an egg?'

    The table erupted into spilled beers and a lot of choking after that one!


  • We bring the water to a boil then add the eggs for exactly 15 minutes at a simmer. Then remove to sink run cold water on them just long enough to peel. Seems to work perfect every time. Well almost. I think over cooking and letting them sit to long both can lead to poor peeling. JMHO
  • All you need to do is roll the boiled egg on the counter to fracture the shell a bit.
    Then put it into a glass 3/4 full of water. Cover with your hand and SHAKE vigorously for a minute and the egg will simply simply slip out of the shell!!
    Works every time!!!
  • Knock the egg on the counter, roll it to shred the shell, then pull the two shell sides off. The membrane comes along and holds the fragments together.

    It's a thing of beauty when it works!
  • Noel,
    I do what you do but peel while the water and eggs are still warm. I find that the skin membrane can be rolled off the egg white when it is still warm. Cold, forget about it!
  • Yes, I find newer eggs harder to peel. Kind of have to plan ahead for nice deviled eggs.
  • Older eggs are easier to peel. One method is to poke a small hole in the end of the egg before boiling or steaming them. I usually bring them to a boil and then simmer them for 11 minutes, plunge them in cold water to stop the cooking, and then peel them while they are still warm. This works for me.