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Need-A-Vacation's avatar
Aug 14, 2016

I Have A Weber Problem!!!

So after seeing the Weber WSM 14.5" at Walmart in Gaylord on the way to the in laws last night, I started seriously thinking about it for camping. Got in the forum to see what the small smoker is capable of, and read some are finding it as cheap as $100 or even $50 on clearance, marked down from $200.....

So a call to the store this morning revealed I have a Weber problem, as I ran back to the store and bought the assembled display model complete with manual and cover for $50!!!!!

Now I no longer need to lug the larger 18.5" WSM when we want some awesome smoked dinners....

Here is a pic of the 3 pork butts I smoked last week while camping at Higgins Lk in Northern Michigan. They totaled just under 27lbs.

I figure as long as I can get 2 butts on the 14.5" that are 16-20lbs total I will be good to go.

Just need to see if I can store it in the 32 somewhere.

So if anyone is considering the small 14.5" WSM, check your local Walmart for a "smokin' price"!!! :)
  • johnhicks wrote:
    > $50!!!!!

    You little ****! That's awful! Awful awful awful! Do they have another one?

    I'm facing going from a 22" WSM to a Smokey Joe and I'm a bit discombobulated.

    Well, it was $53 w/ tax!!! Lol I may check once we get home to see if the local Walmarts have any more.

    Check your local Walmart. Some have them for $100 from what I read on tvwbb forum, all the way down to $50. As of about 10:30 Sat morning the Petoskey, Mi Walmart said they had one for $89. Checking online doesn't do any good. Full price and doesn't show the clearance stock.

    Even picked up a can of peanuts today so I have a smaller can for the minion method. Just need a baby chimney starter, and to do a few mods to the 14" like I did the "18. Expanded metal on the charcoal grate, some square u-bolts to use as handles and to hold the expanded metal and grate together. And maybe move the heat shield outside of the smoker like its big brothers.

    John, hope you find one!!! Good luck!
  • > $50!!!!!

    You little ****! That's awful! Awful awful awful! Do they have another one?

    I'm facing going from a 22" WSM to a Smokey Joe and I'm a bit discombobulated.
  • Nice price on the Q!!!

    Wish we got our Q220 that cheap though!!! Thought $150 for it was pretty good though, so no complaints. Been very happy with the Q so far since this last June. Only complaint is I haven't found a folding cart that fits the 220, as the new 1000/2000 series carts allegedly don't fit the 220 series.
  • I picked up one of the Weber Q 2000 grills at Home Depot for less than $100 last spring. Not for the MH, but we have a BabyQ that goes with up in the MH. Liked it so well, that when I saw the deal on the bigger Q2000, I couldn't pass it up.