It's funny on how you see people will spend their money. This is no offense to the Keurig users. We have a couple of Keurigs, but rarely use them.
But you will see people praise the thought of 35 cents for a cup of coffee. Something that the average person on here propbably drinks at least 2 cups a day. Double that if you are a couple. So a couple yoube spending almost $1.50 a day on 4 cups of coffee. Whereas, we buy the big cans (2lb) of our local grocery store brand of coffee (which is really good as we used to only buy starbucks house blend and have the beans ground up for us) for $5.57. The can says 270 cups of coffee. If that is true, then a cup of coffee for us is basically 2 cents. Even at being half wrong or a little more, I will go up to 5 cents a cup. Heck I will be generous and say 10 cents a cup. So we look at it that we are saving at least 25 cents a cup (2 cups each x 2 people = $1 savings a day). So we would spend at least $30 a month less(or more) than the average couple on here that uses the Keurig.
When I look at that over a year. That's over $350 a year. And yet we have people balk at buying RV antifreeze at $3/gallon They may use a maxo f 3 gallons a year. I've read where some will even try to recapture it to try and use again! lol
Not making fun of anyone or insulting anyone. Just thought about how people are different and what they rant about as far as costs, but were will they will "splurge" otherwise.... interesting....