Forum Discussion

DD716TED's avatar
Apr 13, 2015

Kuerig Coffee Pods..

We have been using our Kuerig machine both at home and in the TT for several months now... The PODS can be expensive.. The other day at Costco, I notice their house brand (Kirkland I think) that had 100 PODS for $35.95.. BUT the coffee was called a Bold Blend.. Has anyone tried these Costco Bold PODS? I would hate to buy 100 of them only to find out they are not to my liking... Normally use Folgers or Maxwell House Medium Blend..
  • Some of the newer Kuerig machines have readers that will only use their pods that have an identifying chip.

    There are re-fillable pods available that you can use with your own ground coffee, but my DIL used them in her Nespresso machine, and eventually they damaged the machine, and it had to be replaced. I'm not sure if that is the same with Kuerig?