Forum Discussion

LaunchnRetrieve's avatar
Jun 28, 2013


It's almost hotter than hell today and I want a popsicle! I looked in the freezer and all we have is ice cream. I don't know about you, but when it reaches a certain temp I don't want something milky creamy I want something juicy.

What/who is your favorite popsicle (no ice cream allowed!) or brand tolerance frozen juice stick/bar? I guess we could go 2 ways here: what brand/flavor and do you make your own (that one begs for a recipe)?

And while we're at it do I get a prize for a thread that hasn't been done before? My search turned up zero results for popsicle.
  • I love popsicle brand lemon. Oh, would that taste good right now! terry r.
  • Edy's makes a frozen fruit bar (popsicle). I've had the coconut, pineapple, and it's been a while, but I think maybe peach, too.
  • Yes, you get a prize for starting a new thread. You can have ALL the popsicles, as I hate them! Sorry, but I like ice cream,(homemade peanut butter)!