Hello all, I am Debra's husband Don. Thank you LindaAnn for sharing the info of Deb's passing. I'm going to add to the message, if anyone would like to, I encourage donating to brain tumor research. One place we support is UWMC in Seattle Washington. Thankyou all for your thoughts and condolences.
Gifts may be mailed to:
UW Medicine Advancement
Attn: Gift Processing
Box 358045
Seattle, WA 98195?8045
Tel: (206) 543-8347
Checks should be made payable to the "UW Foundation." Include the name of the person that this gift is in memory of (Debra Nopp). In the comments line they need to put "Brain Tumor Research Fund" on it, so it will be credited to the right fund.
Can also access donation through the following website: