Sprig wrote:
Well, I'll add my 2 cents worth of comments.
First, NO MORE flat sodas!
Second, no more lugging around all that volume of water.
No more having to use up the space to store and dispose of the containers in an RV.
I don't mind the "iffy" flavors. But, what I really like is to add a little more Orange to the Orange, add a little Orange to the Mt Dew knockoff, and add a little bit of real sugar to the Root Beer.
And, every flavor can have the carbonation level you prefer. Have a regular powered lemon aid or something like Crystal Light? Well, it can be lightly carbonated easily (Do experiment in the sink the first time ... some mixes become super fizzy right quickly).
If all one considers is the $$$ then I don't think the math works out over store sales of regular sodas. If one considers all the weight they are lugging around in the regular sodas, all the space that is taken up, and all the waste that has to be lugged back, well that math is a little different and can be in favor for the Soda Stream.
If your household consumes say a 2 liter bottle daily (I think the average American drinks 3 cans daily)at a cost of 90 cents(guessing bigtime on the regular cost of soda;dunno) and a soda machine can be purchased for 125 bucks it would take about 4 months for the machine to pay for itself. Doesn't include the cost of additional syrups but they would only add pennies per use to the cost of the overall process, I'd imagine. Basically, the Soda Stream can be a bargain.
As for paying for space to store store bought sodas..that probably would be very expensive between the actual space in an RV and the cabinetry. I suspect the Soda Stream is a saver all the way around IF you drink enough to justify the cost.