Succotash is a favorite for my end. I use yellow summer and/or zucchini interchangeably. Has the beans, corn and peppers within as well.
Ratatouille, which isn't "down home" cooking in this country unless you go all the way up by Maine or further south to Louisiana. Squash, tomatoes and eggplant is the base.
I make both the dishes listed above by sight so it'd be useless for me to write a recipe. However, google either names and you'll find many hits.
Here's an actual recipe and it hails from Cumberland County, VA although it's been adapted for modern times(sorry, Nana):
Squash Cakes
3 lbs.summer squash,grated
4 TBs. AP flour
1 egg
1/4 cup milk
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
corn oil
Cook grated squash in either a microwave for 3-5 minutes with 2 TBs of water OR by boiling for 5 minutes in a pot. Drain off water,and with the back of a spoon, press down hard to extract as much liquid as you can. Allow to cool.
Place squash in a mixing bowl beat in flour 1 TB at a time. Then beat in egg, milk, sugar and salt.
Using a 12" CI skillet(or whatever heavy pan you have) place about....1" of oil in pan over high heat. When oil is hot but not smoking, drop batter in by heaping spoonfuls. Turn after 1 minute then drain on a brown paper bag or paper towels. You are looking for a finished product that's golden brown. Continue frying in batches until no batter is left.
Yield: about 3 dozen