All the chicken breasts we buy or we can find are tough and even hard after cooking, sometimes.
Wife is fixing some now sliced and in bbq sauce.
Don't have great hopes for it.
How do you fix Chicken or Franken Bird breasts without a vinegary sauce, or citrus? Citrus and pineapple just isn't right either especially with any hints of burning and the chicken is still tought and the flavor is just on the surface.
You don't cover up nasty/tainted food with sauces, you stop buying it!!
Real simple fix. >STOP< buying factory farmed chickens.
They are drenched in chemicals and other things not to mention HOW they are raised, butchered, slaughtered or what they were fed.
Buy local organic, more so now than ever!
Since the US approved China, of all places, to process our chicken. So now the public has NO idea how they are processed, where they are processed. Or even if we are getting back the same chickens we sent to China. We will NOT have inspectors there.
I now will only buy organic chicken. Best way is straight from a local farmer or green market when the organic farmers sell them to city people!
You will be shocked how much different they taste and how tender REAL chicken is when raised, slaughtered and processed correctly.
Read this and you will see why factory farmed chick tastes bad. Info with CDC, FDA, etc references.
The Five Worst Contaminants in Chicken Products"Poultry Slaughter Procedures, a USDA training video recently obtained by the Physicians Committee through the Freedom of Information Act, reveals that the chicken slaughtering process ends with carcasses soaking in cold water—“fecal soup”—for up to one hour before being packaged for consumers.2"...Yum! :B