Forum Discussion

Go_Dogs's avatar
Dec 12, 2013

Unwanted Advice,( Rant)

I've noticed for a long time, that there are certain members, (you know who you are)that consistently post negative opinions about subjects that they admit to having no experience with. Especially on the Camp Cooks category, people will post/ask very specific information for those that are interested. If someone posts about, 'Sous Vide', for example, if I'm not interested in that, I skip it. I really don't appreciate certain members posting their very negative 2 cents. These same members never say, 'That sounds interesting.'. but always something insulting and degrading.
These negative comments are not welcome. They don't add to the discussion. In fact, when I see that a certain member has posted, I know pretty much the content of his/her post. Let's remember that if you don't know what your talking about, keep your mouth shut! Rant over!
  • I take the negative comments with a grain of salt (Camp Cook pun intended).
  • I take a little different slant on this. As a public forum, most of what gets written here is more opinion than fact. What's good to one person might not be good to another. While I try to exhibit the "don't say anything" policy if I don't have something good to say, folks with in bounderies should be able to voice some skeptism or respond with constructive critism. If folks are posting solely for positive comments and ego strokes, public forums might not be for them.
  • the sad thing is those post stay on here but people that post information about certain things that could be educational to someone in the world gets deleted.