SWMO wrote:
ammdasgranmma that's the way it is today. The old standbys of corn, melons, etc either didn't stand up well to shipping or didn't look pretty. The old c antelopes we got when I was a kid were very sweet, grown locally in the bottoms and flat ugly to look at. The Black Diamond water melons were too big and too hard to ship, the corn was sweet, but tended not to have kernels all the way to the end consistently and the list goes on. Today it is more about shipping, eye appeal, resistance, and yields and flavor isn't very high on the list.
Strawberries that ship well, look uniformly pretty but taste like so much cotton. Taters with no dirt and not much mouth feel starch either.
I'll pay more for that "old fashioned" taste yet as amandagrandma noted you still have to be wary and know the code words or it's just another unfulfilled Madison Avenue moment. Thanks for the Black Diamond name, SWMO. It's the other "snake" name...yeah that's how I play word association games to try to 'member no longer everyday named stuff:B.