I agree with Down Home about the big old fashion watermelons. I stopped buying them because they are all seedless . Seedless, I think, are tasteless. I bought a seeded one, about the size of a soccer ball and fed it to the squirrels. I guess maybe the younger generation, who never tasted a fresh picked Baldwin apple or a Sickle pear doesn't know that "genetically improved" fruit has not much flavor but they all sure do look perfect. Tomatoes, same deal. I sure miss the Mariglobes I used to grow. Perfect appearance isn't cheap either, I saw peaches for $3.50#. I figure that's about a buck each.
One veggie they did do a good genic job on is corn. The "sugar Enhanced" strains are a great improvement over the old Cross Bantams etc. It would be reassuring though to find a worm in one once in a while. :).