Forum Discussion

opnspaces's avatar
Navigator II
Dec 01, 2013

Why the butter?

I'm fairly new to trying to expand into cooking something besides what I can grill, boil, microwave, or what is a pre-packaged food item. With that being said my experience with just adding something to make a dish taste better is still a bit beyond me.

I've notices on a few different recipes here (peach cobbler, Mississippi roast, and Super_Daves cinnamon roll peach dish, ) that a bunch of butter (2 tbsp up to a complete stick) is added to the bottom of the pan or right on top of the roast.

Why is that? Is it a necessary part of the dish, or is the butter just added as an additional flavor? I know the first time I tried the cinnamon roll dish although with pears, I forgot the butter and brown sugar and the kids loved it. So the butter was really not a requirement. But would it be just awesomely better with the butter?

Thanks for helping me expand my camp culinary offerings. :)
  • Being born and raised in the 'Dairy State' there were no other choices...and glad of it!!

    Butter, butter, butter...
  • Some good answers but the technical side, things that need to be thickened require equal amounts of fat and flour to be a thickening agent. I prefer my cobbler "set" and not soup.
  • Butter combines/blends multiple flavors-especially in baking recipes
    Butter heightens spice flavors (think gooey cinnamon and sugar)
    Butter helps with browning(grilled cheese)
    Butter seals and moistures foods.
    Its perfect
  • Thanks everyone, that's some good insight. I knew there had to be more than just adding to the taste. Although I will admit that I prefer the taste of butter to any of the margarine blends that I've tried.
  • While on the subject butter turned into ghee can be kept in the cabinet. To make ghee you just heat butter slightly until all the foreign matter and water comes to the top. Whats left after you remove the top mater is stable.