Forum Discussion

purpleblurple's avatar
May 05, 2014

kids activities for seasonal camping

Hi all im new here and new to rvs! We just purchased a 5th wheel last summer. Right now we have it at a seasonal site which we picked purely because we have family there.

Come to realize not shortly after that there isnt much for to do. There is a park that must have been built in 1960 lol. We are on the river so we can go tubing, but it's still too cold for that right now. We will most likely move to a different campground next year, but until then we are stuck here.

What are some fun ways you keep your kids busy at your site? Hubby os build a sandbox next weekend but other than that I'm out of ideas. Any good ideas for us newbies?
  • It really depends upon how old the kids are. Assuming your husband is going to build a sand box, you children must be very young, (pre-school). If that's the case, the answer is simple: whatever entertains them at home will entertain them when camping too. Actually, the best play toy is another child. If there are other small children at the campground, buddy up to their parents and let the kids play. Kids has a way of entertaining themselves. Let their imaginations develop with sticks and rocks and bugs and worms and tree bark and dirt and string and a bucket and a cooking pot, a lid and a wooded spoon. If they are so board, then their imaginations need activated. Kids are very good at doing that with each other. The kids will either gravitate to their imaginations or they will gravitate to man-made technology. Add tricycles, bicycles, and a wagon outside in the dirt, and your kids should have plenty to keep them busy!
  • We keep 6 or so board games in the cabinet along with decks of cards and chess sets. I think its important that kids play outside in the fresh air as much as possible, but of course there are weather problems.

    Encourage them to bring toys, especially outside toys. Of course when we go to the beach I revert to kid mode myself and play in the sand with them. I also bring a kite and some balls of various kinds.
  • We picked up some cheap toys for our kids at the store like kites and those velcro hand paddles with a tennis ball. If there are other kids at the CG, they will find something to keep them entertained.
  • Scavenger hunt. Check with the Cub Scouts. They have an activity book that has literally thousands of things to do in the outdoors.