Something a little different! We were camping at a local lake, it was a Friday night and were planning on leaving in the Morn. Sitting out side enjoying a fire and we start to hear sirens close by,, then allot of sirens close by. A few minutes later the sirens are getting closer then a loud crash bang! We could see flashing lights and headlights out on the main road.
Then a Sheriffs car comes thru the camp ground announcing on his PA to retreat indoors and lock our doors and stay inside until further notice! Just as we get inside our cell phone lights up with an emergency notice to shelter in place and lock our doors and windows, Police activity in the area!
Talk about scary!! Felony man hunt turned into a hot pursuit, Bad guy crashes right in front of the campground entrance and took off on foot into the woods surrounding the camp ground!
Two hours later we can hear the helicopter giving the bad guy orders to surrender! They nab the guy next to the river that was directly across from our site! It was like COPS Live! Cop cars,Cops with rifles, cop dogs,helicopters, fireman ambulances, and what not! They arrest him and with in an half hour later,,,,,they are gone,, no word if it was safe to come out or not,,just left us sheltered in place!!