Campfire Time wrote:
fla-gypsy wrote:
So according to some of you, those who work who can only go camping on weekends and holidays are the problem? Oh please get over your priveleged selves. It has nothing to do with when you can go camping and every thing to do with learned trashy behavior. According to some of you the "working class" is a problem. That goes against everything I was raised to beleive and know to be true. That is an elitist attitude! So you get to be part of the 93 million who don't work but the rest of us are the problem. If that is not what you meant to convey then edit your post or be exposed for the snobbery you just spewed.
Sorry friend, you are the one needs to stop generalizing. I AM part of the working class. If you bothered to actually read my post you'd see my take on the subject. My viewpoint is not a generalization, it's based on nearly 30 years of observation and having to camp on holiday weekends with the party crowd when I still had kids in school. Yes, there are good people camping on those same weekends. but there are also a lot more careless people out at the same time compared with non-holiday periods.
And yes, most of my camping still has to be done on weekends because I'm still working. It's just that we no longer have go on holiday weekends anymore. :)
Well let me grab a few statements for you;
"My thoughts are that the folks who only go camping on the 3-day weekends are not the folks who care about the beauty of their environment"
"X2 on the three day campers possibly from the big city where trash is a way of life."
No I wasnt generalizing, I was using the statements some of you typed.
It's one thing to say you don't go on weekends/holidays because it is crowded. It is quite another to blame all trashy behavior and rude behavior on those that can only camp during those times. I was at a very busy CG over the weekend and the behavior was excellent.