I have a three legged pit bull and he's a real inspiration to me. The previous owner backed over him when he was a puppy and then took him to the vet to be put down. The guy tossed the puppy on the counter and left without leaving his name or contact information. The vet tech paid for the puppy's care and I volunteered to provide round the clock care. I ended up adopting him and have had him for six years. He can run as fast as the other dogs in a straight line and when he needs to turn he does a forward roll and changes direction. He can jump up on the beds and gets into the same amount of trouble as the other dogs. He digs holes in the yard by laying on side and digging with his good leg. The only problem he has is going down the RV steps. He waits for me lift him down. He doesn't realize he's handicapped. It only took him a couple of weeks to get over the amputation.