Forum Discussion

nabi's avatar
Feb 10, 2013

Anyone have their pet on supplements ?

I just started Izzy on Nutri-vet Hip and Joint tabs as she has LP in bilateral back legs...she also is very bowlegged so is at risk for rupture of the cruciate ligament..I am awaiting the arrival of an order of Ocu-Glo tabs to help with her diminishing vision in her sighted eye...
just wondering if anyone has used one or both of these products and what was your evaluation of them...thanks....Kathleen
  • The thing is, none of our medical doctors has ever suggested any supplements, except Bud was told to take CoQ10 and Mag-Ox for his heart. I have very serious eye problems and my specialist has never said a word about supplements. You'd think they would, if they felt like it might help.
  • Jayco23FB wrote:
    Talked to my Vet about supplements. He says if you feed a quality food (we use Science Diet) its a waste of money. I would tend to agree, we don't use any for our Dobermans.

    Any dog food that uses corn or corn meal as a main ingredient is not quality. Much better options are available. Regarding supplements, when our retriever reached about 11 he began to slow down and sometimes limp. We started him on glucosamine from Costco. Within 2-3 weeks he was acting like a puppy again. I think it really added quality to his final 2 1/2 years. Don't waste money on the pet version of any supplements if the human version is available.
  • Jayco23FB wrote:
    Talked to my Vet about supplements. He says if you feed a quality food (we use Science Diet) its a waste of money. I would tend to agree, we don't use any for our Dobermans.

    I would agree that vitamin supplements are not necessary if the diet is adequate...the wees get a 5 star food....but these are supplements that are directed towards specific aliments she a nurse I am aware of MD's advising their patients to take supplements similar to these for the same specific problems...for example...Lutein and Omega-3 are recommended by ophthalmologists for eye health ....Orthopods advise the use of Glucosamine.chondroitin for OA....I just want to make sure the name brand supplements I am using have favorable reports ....
  • Talked to my Vet about supplements. He says if you feed a quality food (we use Science Diet) its a waste of money. I would tend to agree, we don't use any for our Dobermans.
  • Have a pet on a prescription, not supplements. I was wondering if there's a review site for how effective the various supplements are.
  • Have had some of my babies who are now at the Rainbow Bridge on supplements for various reasons, but now have a 4 year old and a 1/1/2 year old Maltese, so I am the one needing supplements to keep up with them:)