A couple of years ago, I took Darcy to have her teeth cleaned at a vet that was not our usual one. This vet advertises that they have the latest in dental technology and equipment. Since our vet had recently passed away, I made the decision to take Darcy to this one with the most impressive advertising. When I picked her up, Darcy was missing her two front upper incisors as they said those teeth were "dead at the root." We came home with a bag of products I had neither asked for nor ordered, but okay. These were added to my bill. One was a dental rinse, supposed to prevent tartar build-up, etc. A couple of days later when I tried it on my dogs, they all balked and spat it out. I tried a bit of that liquid on my tongue and was surprised that it burned! When I looked at the label, the product contained Xylitol! I poured it down the drain and never went back to that vet. At the time, I think I felt intimidated and that's why I didn't confront them. It will not happen again.