At 25' off both sides of a bank we would loose the use of our ram paddock (with shelter), the paddock we use for weaning and for the ewes we don't want bred, and 2-3 acres of our lower field (of the 8-10 acres). What we find interesting is there is money for fencing but no money to prevent the massive errosion that is and has been occurring (not due to livestock) in the stream that they will be fencing off. Cleaning up agriculturally induced water quality issues is a funding priority while naturally induced (natural stream erosion) and lawn care induced issues (over fertilization and herbicide application) are less of a priority. Perhaps golfers and homeowners need to accept crabgrass, dandelions, and plantain in the greens and lawns while farmers have to give up land what was in production so we all can have healthier streams, lakes, and bays.
Urban and suburban polluted runoff is the only major source of nitrogen pollution in the Bay still growing.
Chesapeake Bay Foundation