captpar wrote:
Since the episode last week with my bulldog (still ongoing ) I'm changing all the dog food to new. What is the consensus of the best dry dog food. The wet is already taken care of. Thanks in advance .
Was the cause of the GI issues ever diagnosed? It's a little hard to give any reliable recommendation other than "this worked in my dog."
Every time I see the dog food adviser touted as THE source, I re-read their disclaimer: wrote:
However, my rating system is not intended to suggest feeding a particular product will result in a specific health benefit for your pet.
Please be advised that I am not a veterinarian. For this reason, this website was never meant to be used as a substitute for sound professional advice.
Because the health of your dog can be directly affected by what you read here, you should always consult with a licensed veterinary professional before taking any specific action.
Doug, DVM