colliehauler wrote:
sher9570 wrote:
This is why they invented RV' the lucky dogs of this world could go camping too...
It's certainly why we bought ours!!
One of the reasons I bought my RV as well.
I have RV'ed with 4 Collies and was surprised at how well things went. The most popular thing with the Collies was long walks.
This year Mikko went for his first boat ride, he did well. Lassie stayed back at the RV and slept.
One of the reasons we bought ours was to evacuate with the dogs when a hurricane is imminent. Some hotels frown on you showing up with five dogs and five cats.
The four dogs did well on the trip. They're still a little anxious about being in different surroundings and wanted to be in the same room with us, preferably touching one of us.
All four were rescues and have some degree of separation anxiety. They do much better when the whole group is all together.
I hope to get out for several short trips over the next year and I can retire in 2018 and do a lot more travelling.