Forum Discussion

n7bsn's avatar
Feb 25, 2015

Cat boxes

For the last several years we've put the cat-box in the shower. Made keeping the mess contained a little easier, but made taking showers more of a "project" then I liked.
Last fall I finally identified a space in the cabinets that I could modify into a "cat box". Small enough the dogs can't get in and sample. Private enough that one of our boys that didn't like being watched would have no issues, and an outside door to help with cleaning.

I started into the project today, going to take some care to make it look and work right. But having a space for the cats to do their business, while minimizing impact on us, will be a good thing.

It will be a different set of cats though, both our cats that we had traveled with died over the winter (age 17 and 19)
  • Did you end up getting pics?

    I'll be traveling soon with a cat and a dog. My current thought is, since I'll have more room than I'll need, is to put it in the overhead sleeper so that the dog can't get into it. But I'll have to stabilize to avoid flying pine pellets (and other pellets)!
  • Yes, the litter box.. ugg, I tried the shower and it seemed to be a pain, At least with the toyhauler, it can go into the garage area. I would like to see your handywork for ideas as well.
  • Hiker_01 wrote:
    Would like to see before/after pics if you can post them.

    I am documenting, so I hope to
  • Sorry about your cats. They had good long lives. Hope it all works out well for everyone with your new plans - people, cats and dogs. :)
  • We're still in the shower mode with our 2, I wish I had a space for a box but no matter what it takes, our kids take priority.