Forum Discussion

AZPops's avatar
Oct 22, 2013

Congratulations to Rita and Nicky

These photos are about Rita's horse Nicky, who she had since 2010. Nicky has been in training for the past year and a half, and they both recently competed in a student horse show at the barn where she is boarded. Nicky and Rita won 3 blue ribbons - first place, in the Gaited Horse equitation class, the Gaited Horse pleasure class, and the Introductory level test A for dressage. Nicky performed wonderfully, and Rita is Very proud of her.

Congrat's again to the both of you! ....

Pops n' Calvin
  • Yea Rita, you have worked so hard for this and I do know how hard, so Congrats to you.
    Your mare is a beauty, I miss mine so much and I miss all the years we bred, raised and trained our horses and then hit the show many years ago but so much fun!

  • Nicky is not a pinto or piebald - she is a Tobiano! Never heard of it before I got her, but that's what it says on her registration papers. You would think she's a pinto from her markings, but she isn't. I guess the Tobiano gene isn't as popular as the Pinto or Piebald.

  • I love me them piebald horses. That is my color scheme.

    Congrats to you both!
  • Way to go! You should be very proud. I learned to ride as a kid and can at least stay on a horse, but that's about it.
  • Nicky is a beautiful horse. I miss riding, but had to give it up years ago when the arthritis in my knees made it impossible for me to walk when I dismounted! Keep on with this, Rita

    Barb and the 4 chocolates
  • Congratulations! As a former horse show brat, I can assure you that this is a wonderful accomplishment. Nothing quite like the feeling when you and your horse are clicking. Nicki sure is a pretty paint mare. Love a black and white paint.
  • Thanks, Pops, for posting these photos for me. I was hesitant to get into the show, especially the dressage test, because Nicky has a mind of her own. We practiced the patterns for weeks and I still was not satisfied with her response to my cues. On the day of the show, I told her "This is it! You have to listen to me and try to do what I ask of you." And she did! We did the 3 gaits, regular walk, medium walk and flat walk, which are what Tennessee Walkers do, and we did our 20 meter circles and diagonals and rein changes, and out of a perfect score of 160 we got 99. My instructor assured me that this was good for a first timer like myself. The equitation is based on how you handle the horse: the pleasure is based on how the horse responds to you. Now we have resumed training to learn how to canter correctly, so I can move to the next level of the dressage test. To stay young, you never stop learning, and we're having fun doing this!