Forum Discussion

M_GO_BLUE1's avatar
Sep 28, 2013


I have some drops from my vet for one of my cat ears but every other day I still have to clean out her ear...

Is there any over-the-counter ear drops available like at Petco, etc. that I can get to hopefully finally help the ear get better???
  • I've had good luck using Zymox Otic. But I jump on it quickly whenever I see the first sign of redness, ear shaking, etc. Not sure how it would work for a chronic problem.

    I'd also consider what could be causing the problem. Food allergies are a common cause of chronic ear infections. If she were my cat I'd at least consider trying a very limited ingredient diet to see if it helps.
  • It really depends on what is causing the wax build up. What was the ear medication from the vet, and what was the reason for it's use originally?

    Sometimes over cleaning can stimulate wax production and lead to greater wax build up.

    I'd recommend just a ear cleaner solution (many brands and flavors :)) and use it once or twice a week for a while. If itching occurs or wax accumulation stays bad, then time to revisit vet.

    Doug, DVM
  • Yes, the mites look kind of like coffee grounds. They need the vet's drops every day. Take her outside to do it, as she will fling her head around and send those oily meds flying at the walls, furniture, and you! I think I took a cotton ball and wiped out the residue later. Keep treating until those buggers are gone.
  • Not sure about cats but with my dog I use warm water and vinager / cotton ball and that works good.