Forum Discussion

winnietrey's avatar
Jun 28, 2022

Dog biscuits and bugs

This might be something to file away, if it happens to you.

Last few weeks lots of little brown bugs invaded the kitchen, could not for the life of us figure out what they were, or where they were coming from. Turns out they were "warehouse beetles" and they had come in via a package of dog biscuits we had bought.

Apparently according to google, dog food is a common way for these to be brought into the house.

As I said, just kind of a heads up, if it happens to you, they don't bite and they are not harmful,
  • Scottiemom wrote:
    I don't want my dogs eating those biscuits even if the freezer manages to kill the bugs, so I will just throw them out.


    I completely agree with you that it is a mockery of a dog to give such biscuits to her food
  • Along this same idea - when I get dog food shipped to our house - I ALWAYS open the box outside. Twice I've had cockroaches pop out of a box (not the actual bag of dog food) and it certainly makes sense that any place that warehouses a bunch of pet food will have "critters". I just don't want those critters inside my house.
  • I don't want my dogs eating those biscuits even if the freezer manages to kill the bugs, so I will just throw them out.

  • LMHS's avatar
    Explorer II
    To make a bug trap, take a 6 to 10 inch piece of very sticky tape (I use Gorilla brand duct tape because I always have it on hand), tape it to a flat area where you have been seeing the little beetles with two small pieces of duct tape (one on each end so it lays flat). The sticky tape will trap the beetles when they walk on it. Just fold the sticky sides of the tape together over the beetles, seal it up so they can't escape, toss the tape into the garbage. Also works on roaches.
  • stick the package in the freezer for a few days, remove for a few days, then back in for a few days.

    The first freeze kills the adult bugs, but not the eggs/larvae. The removal allows the eggs/larvae to hatch, then the second freeze kills THEM.