I have neighbors who walk their dogs and let them relieve(defecate) on my lawn even though I'm standing there. They then "may" take a plastic bag and pick up the stuff like "okay I'm a responsible dog owner". I wonder what that person would think if I personally went to their front yard and defecated on the lawn, and when done, whipped out a plastic bag to scoop up the results of last night's dinner. They would probably call they cops right?
One issue that hasn't been addressed is the pet owner that brings their dog on a walk and happens to stop by your house or camp site and lets it urinate against a tree, tire or the grass area. Why is urine not of a concern? Why are we just talking about droppings? Why is it not a problem still when a person dutifully scoops up the waste with a plastic bag? There is still ample waste material left behind to attract other dogs to do the same in the same spot. Would you like to step in it barefooted?
All this waste matter can carry a host of parasites like round worms, tape worms, hook worms, toxoplasmosis, etc, etc.
I'm a dog lover and have had many in the past but have never subjected others to their waste matter nor their bad habits.
In the 40+ years of rving I have not ever stayed in a pet friendly park where dogs weren't a problem with their uncontrolled barking. Before you post back negative comments about my experiences, think long and hard about your own and my concern about disease transmission.