toedtoes wrote:
I have walked my dogs around campgrounds (on their leashes) only to have those nice dogs snoozing in the campground jump up and come attacking my dogs.
Seems the owners didn't see us coming and didn't grab a hold of their dog in time. Even when I am in a place that does not require leashes, my dogs are always on a leash. It's just safer all around and I never have to worry that my dog will catch sight of something/someone and take off on me.
NO owner can 100% know that their dog: won't leave their site, stop when given the command (and usually these types of owners dogs have never been properly taught any commands let alone react to one).
The most dangerous dog situation in a CG?
The 'owner' that states "my dog won't leave my CG site and always listens to me".:R
The house dog with no training will bolt whenever the moment seizes them. And any owner that believes different? Well those are the ones that will have their dog be involved in a dog fight or even worse a dog bite situation. Henceforth why the no dogs off leash in a CG is IMHO imperative for everyone's safety.