Forum Discussion

old_guy's avatar
Feb 07, 2015

dog food

We have a choc lab, , female, getting along in age and wide at the hips, if you know what I mean. what do you all feed your dogs. We were thinking lamb and rice or chicken and rice.
  • Go Dogs wrote:
    Cut down on the amount of food, and increase the exercise.


    But in case you really want to know what my dogs eat -- it totally depends on what I've cooked for them. Right now they're getting a "stew" of ground beef, chicken liver, eggs, cottage cheese, oatmeal and butternut squash. I'll have to fix up a new batch of dog food in a couple of days. What's in it will depend on what I buy when I go to the store.
  • Mine get Kirkland lamb & rice. I started Moose-dog on chicken & rice, but it didn't sit well with him, so I switched to the lamb & rice. He's been great on that for years, so I've never switched back. Bat-dog eats the same with no problem.

    Have you looked at the quantity of food you're giving her? Bat-dog gets less than the recommended quantity (by weight) while Moose-dog gets more than the recommended. His metabolism is very fast, even at 8 years; while hers is much slower. Both are in very good shape, although some people look at her and think fat, but that's because she's got a square, squat and muscular body.
  • Take a look at ORiJENS , I switched to it 7 years ago, after reading a lot of labels and it is really healthy stuff. Josie the beagle is almost 10 years old now, has the shiniest coat, is spry as a pup, and poops solid and regularly ( I know, that's sickening) she still loves her meals, and her weight is very regular and has had no health problems.
    She is our camping buddy, so I spend a bit more on her. I also do not give her much table scraps.
  • Cut down on the amount of food, and increase the exercise.
  • we feed our 7 and 8 year old dogs sweet potatoes, rice or oatmeal, peas, carrots, and other veges with a little Natural Balance L.I.D. dog food. they are both full of energy and very active, they stay trim and fit.
  • My dogs have always done well on Diamond Naturals Lamb and Rice; but now that Ben is almost 2 and a bit more filled-out than I like, I've switched both dogs to the "Light" formula. I don't remember if it's a lamb or chicken formula (the only thing that seems to make my dogs gassy is rabbit poo, which they think is a "snack") - but they seem happy to eat it, and have regained their waistlines....
  • By our dog food from Tracktor Supply there brand. Switch flavor around. No one likes same thing all the time.
  • We have a 2 year old Aussie. He is 1/2 Wolf. The dry food with the wolf on it is what we feed him. All organic. Grain free. We also give him a small of wet food every day. (Fresh pet select dog food) Both are chicken. Again all organic. Nothing from China are in either one.
  • Lamb tends to make dogs gassy. We started feeding chicken pumpkin rice mix. Our lab has always been finite eater and he likes that one. Go to one of the chain stores and ask about low fat or senior foods.
  • Ours gets rated and a little expensive.
    We feed the Duck and Bartlett Pear single source of protein.
    Absolutely NOTHING sourced from China.
