Forum Discussion

campn4walleye's avatar
Jun 08, 2014

Dog to dog aggression while camping

We just completed 4 wonderful days at a county CG on a very nice fishing lake.

The moment we arrived, we noticed a family with a pit bull running loose. I asked them to put it on a leash as we have dogs too and our weim doesn't always like other dogs and is protective of our cavalier. (There is a leash rule) but it seems it is not enforced. The camp host lets his little pom run free.

Anyhow, we got set up and the pit bull's owner comes over and says he's sorry he doesn't have a leash or tie out line. In truth, the dog doesn't even have a collar! I'm annoyed, but was civil, and warned him to keep it out of our site.

Naturally, they let their 4 y/o come over with the dog. Immediately, our dog rushed the dog and there was a quick fight. The guy didn't even know it happened until he heard us yell.

What would you do? Our dog is so quiet and sweet, unless a dog comes into his area without being properly introduced. If they had met in passing, he would have been fine.

How in the world can an owner maintain responsibility for the dog without a collar and leash?

Okay, I'm done venting. Thanks for listening.
  • Don't talk to the host if they aren't enforcing the rules. Call the County Recreation department and ask for the person over the county campground. Also there may be a county leash ordinance. I would threaten to call animal control.
  • If the CG management won't enforce a leash rule, there is not much you can do. Endure it if you can't leave and don't go back. And be sure to sign up for and express your concerns. I think that is the preeminent site for honest reviews of rv parks.
  • If it were me....If I had an extra leash or collar I would have lent it too him while he went and bought one....I would have talked to the CG owners and asked them to enforce the rules. If they failed then I would contact the local animal authorities and ask them to deal with the situation.
  • I would have talked (told) to the manager that they needed to correct the problem.
    Ignorant, stupid owners that don't think their dogs need to be leashed are morons.

    Rules are there for a reason. If everybody let their dog run loose it would be total chaos.
  • He needed to go get a leash or go home. No if, and's, or but's.