Forum Discussion

RoadLife's avatar
May 10, 2014

Got a third dog

We have two - Shasta the 15 yr old aussie mix and Boomer the 5 year old Brittany. But DH stole Boomer from me - he was supposed to be 'my dog'. I've held out for 3 years, but succumbed yesterday.

Pancho is already responding to his new name, has emptied the dog toy box and picked out his favorites to hide in the bedroom, and become Boomers Best Fido Friend Forever.

Shasta spent the first day teaching Pancho who was boss - and it wasn't him. Today she played with him several times. Here's MY Pancho.

  • I might just do the same! *My* dog was stolen by my husband! Now he has two dogs, I have none. Not fair! Amd now that we secured the fence for his puppy it is secure enough for me to get a little lap dog :)
  • So Shasta has established the pecking order in the house has she? :B He looks like a good one.
  • Aww, he's so cute and I hope he stays your dog, but you know, they pick their person. Our girls were all supposed to be mine, but there's just something special about "daddy." :B