Forum Discussion

captpar's avatar
Aug 28, 2015

Got a Vet appointment

My 4 yr English bulldog started throwing up yesterday and it continues today,also her stools are runny and black which indicates to me bleeding. I'm a worried mess ,tried to get an earlier appointment to no avail. Any ideas what is going on with her?
  • Keep us posted on her progress. Prayers have been sent your way. I know that you're worried. Keep her comfortable and think positive.
  • One of our dear departed doggies was prone to the occasional bout of gastritis for no apparent reason. If nothing shows up as causing it in your girl, all you can do is respond quickly in the future. The vet gave us some pills to give Poquita at the first sign of gastric distress. Sometimes that was enough to ward off worse symptoms, and sometimes we ended up taking her to the vet anyway. She made it to age 15.
  • Yes, so glad you got her vet care sooner than later! Same thing happened to our dog starting in the middle of the night, By morning she was really seriously ill and lethargic, called vet 8:00 a.m. To TELL them I was bringing her in. They said we did the right thing, she spent hours there treated with IV's and medication to stop the diarrhea and vomiting. Went home with an antibiotic and she was back to normal in 24 hours. They can go downhill very quickly. We never knew what caused it...nothing in the lab work.
  • captpar wrote:
    Just left vet,she got a shot to calm her stomach,blood work to be ready tomorrow,exam
    And sent home with me. Awaiting results of blood work now. She drank water and kept it down so far,going to give her some Hamburg and rice in a little while (as per the vet) hope can keep it down .absoluetly no idea what caused this . Hopefully the blood test will tell ust what's going on.

    Glad you got her in. The injections to stop vomiting are great, very effective. Even if the blood work comes back basically normal, you've ruled out some real serious things. Unfortunately, more often than not we can't pinpoint exact cause in many of these cases.

    Doug, DVM
  • Just left vet,she got a shot to calm her stomach,blood work to be ready tomorrow,exam
    And sent home with me. Awaiting results of blood work now. She drank water and kept it down so far,going to give her some Hamburg and rice in a little while (as per the vet) hope can keep it down .absoluetly no idea what caused this . Hopefully the blood test will tell ust what's going on.
  • Get her an emergency appt. with her regular vet. If they can't see her ASAP--get her an appt. with another vet or an emergency clinic.

    I certainly wouldn't wait!!
  • Too many possibilities to guess (pancreatitis, HGE, poisoning, parvo, food poisoning,...). She needs to be seen ASAP.

    Doug, DVM
  • I would be getting her to an emergency clinic in the area. I have no idea what it could be, but our furbabies can get dehydrated (expecially if small), very quickly. Please post an update and let us know how things are going.
  • Are you at home or on the road? If on the road, type in Vet Emergency on your GPS or phone. If at home and you can't get in to see your vet, I'd find another vet clinic that will see her on an emergency basis. I hope she will be okay, but would not take a chance on waiting.