icanon wrote:
Thanks for the info everyone. Just wanted to respect CG rules and others camp next to me.
It's very commendable of you trying to do the right thing.
From our years of experience, I have seen any where from 6 to 10' to be the norm. And have never seen any length strictly enforced. No public campground we camp at are that rigid with leash lengths. They are more concerned with unleashed dogs running amuck fighting with other dogs, chasing native park animals or crapping all over the place and owners not picking up after them, etc.
I find a retractable leash to be ideal while walking our Golden. It gives him a little freedom and at the same time easily reined in restrained when approaching other people or animals. Back at our campsite he is put on a light chain just short enough to keep him within our own campsite space.
Of course, we never stayed at commercial campgrounds which may a different story. It has always been federal, state, or county parks, etc.