Yes, it is time for you to get active, hopefully with Vet and other animal organizations speaking out with you.
Poisons are poisons are poisons. No two ways about it. & remember lots of folks let their toddlers crawl around on those lawns.
& I for one think the term 'cosmetic pesticide'/cosmetic herbicides' needs to be put down big time. Still poisons those are.
One interesting question, does an unmowed lawn difuse the poisons concentration or does that lack of mowing make the poison stay around longer.
A lot of cities and towns up here in Canada have managed to put very strong bylaws restricting use of 'costmetic pesticides'.
& I'll kick out another theory. When I bought my present 1.5 acres around my house, the lawn was almost all grass, just grass, no clover, no herbs, no 'weeds'. It made me think someone had used a lot of the poison called 'weed and feed'. :h
About 1.75 million species of plants, animals, and microorganisms have been identified out of the 13 million total species estimated by scientists (Sustaining, 2000). The services these species provide contribute to the delicately-running natural cycles that help make earth habitable to humans and contribute to our way of life in many ways, from providing us food and pharmaceuticals to helping reduce the impact of natural disasters such as floods.
Source: my maxim, if you have diversity in plants you will have greater variety of bugs............thus, you are less likely to be complaining about having too many of one kind of insect to bug you or your pet.
Keep us posted on your success, please.