Forum Discussion

keepmotoring's avatar
May 10, 2016

I am at my wits end on trying to give meds

We have a 5lbs poodle mix that as of Friday needs Lasix and enalapril on a daily basis. We have had dogs for 30+ years that have had to take meds and all have either eaten with food or peanut butter. Not this one!!

I have tried to hide the pills in her food and she won't eat any of the food. I have changed foods, no go. I have tried peanut butter and cheese, which both worked for a day or 2, now no go. I cannot pry her mouth open without her trying to bite me and she has some sharp teeth!

I have heard of pill poppers but don't know how they work. However if I can't get her mouth open, I cannot imagine them working anyway.

Needless to say, she needs these pills so any suggestions? only 5 days in, I am stressing. Thanks in advance. Jan
  • I had a cat that had to have enalapril daily and she would not take the pill (my husband had scratches to prove it). Our vet discovered it also came in an ointment that is rubbed in the ear, and that worked. She would twitch her ear when I rubbed the ointment in, but that was all.
  • I know that you have tried cheese and it no longer works for you. We also use the same meds that you are using plus Vetmedin for our 10lb. shiz-tzu. We started with American Cheese, but now use about 3/8" of low fat string cheese. We break that in half and the Lasix goes into one and the Enalapril goes into the other, the Vetmedin needs nothing. He has been taking it long enough now that he has on occasion taken it without anything. I wish you the best of luck. JMO
  • In addition to what you have mentioned, we have successfully used baby food and cheese whiz.
  • we make the dog take the pill. Just teach the dog to take it, it should only take a couple days. Come, sit. take the pill, done.
  • I have tried cheese, worked but not now. More I think of grinding, it probably won't work. If she eats some of the food and there is some food/ med left, I will not have given her the dose she needs. Can't start over cause wouldn't know how much to give.
  • We take a slice of cheese (cheap stuff), cut it into squares the place our dog's pills in the middle. We then roll the cheese into a small ball and our dog gobbles it down without even chewing it. She thinks it's a treat.
  • I will try grinding them tomorrow morning. How large are pill pockets? Remember, a 5lb dog has a small mouth. Other suggestions are much appreciated.
  • We sometimes use Pill Pockets and our dog thinks they are treats. But then she thinks most anything other than her normal food is a treat. They do come is several flavors.
  • Have you tried grinding them into powder and them mixing them in with the food. She might smell them, but she won't be able to find them.

    Pill grinder
