We live in a very small town. No local dog obedience classes. No local dog park. No local doggie daycare. Really the socialization is the least of my worries. The dog weighs 35 pounds. I have no difficulty keeping him under control the few times people come by, or even on walks. It is really only a concern if he goes to another family. He is a house dog that is with me whenever I am at home and we will probably just have reduced outside activity until my work hours stabilize. My signature is a bit misleading. The kids are no longer rugrats, but extremely busy high school and college students. Dog care falls to me and I was aware if that at adoption, but life happens and work has increased in an unexpected manner. Thank you far all suggestions and support. If you have more to say i am ready to listen and learn. We are working on mind engagement. I was really just worried about reduced physical activity and some comments have helped me realize it is not quite as big a concern as I was making it.
Edited for spelling. Gee I can't spell on my phone.