So once upon a time me and my asthmatic lungs were responsible for exercising a high maintenance German Shepherd who needed 5 mile walks every day. So I put him on a leash and walked he and my bike to a school, which happened to be the closest big chunk of empty asphalt I could find. You might try a parking lot.
Well, I climbed on the bike and started out just pedaling in a straight line, stopping, turning around and pedaling back. I used voice commands for everything: Let's go, Halt! Turn around.
Pretty soon he was doing great in straight lines - I mean like 10 minutes pretty soon - so we added turns, again with voice commands. Left! Right!
By the end of one 45 minute session he was ready for the road. We had a great time all summer. It was so much easier to teach him to bike than I thought it would be.
Good luck! A tired dog is a happy dog.