Forum Discussion

mr_andyj's avatar
Mar 12, 2021

Indoor cat

I have never taken cat on RV trip but may have to. She is scared to go out and prefers inside. She likes to run from one side of house to the next and that is her exercise. In a small camper what do you do with an inside cat? Is the cat happy? I could leash her and take for a walk, but still most of her day would be inside. she sleeps most of the time but Im concerned of the small space... How do cats do?
  • We initially take our cats for rides in the car whenever possible. After a month they've settled down and are travelers errr sleepers in the RV while moving.

    And yes they train us to be very aware of them when we go in/out.

    When moving we keep a 6' red leash on them so that we know exactly where they are when stopped and operating slides. And it helps to thwart their escape plans.
  • bgum wrote:
    Just be sure it is in your arms or in crate when extending or retracting slides.

    Double ditto. Be careful going in and out of the RV too. We had a cat like yours who decided to bolt out of the door as soon as we opened it. We did eventually capture him but it was a tough go there.
  • We are in a motorhome. Our cat hides under the recliner/sofa when we are traveling and no doubt sleeping. When we park she hops up on the dash and will lay there for hours just watching what is going on outside.

    If you are in a trailer or camper I would suggest having some kind of shelf or area where your cat can lie down and look out a window. They seem to be very content doing that.

    We do put our cat on a harness and leash occasionally and take her for short walks, but she is usually happy just being able to look out the window.
  • The cat will be fine. Just be sure it is in your arms or in crate when extending or retracting slides.