I am sorry for your loss and can appreciate your anger. I lost my Tommy a few years ago in a similar manner. We kept him indoors and he was a family cat, but he would bolt out any oppertunity he got. He loved the outdoors and it was nearly impossible to keep him in if he wanted out. And of course he would cross the street ignoring my pleas to come back. One day he didn't come home, and I couldn't find him. The following week one afternoon I was talking to my next door neighbor about missing my cat and describing him. A look of horror flashed across his face and without me asking, and without him saying, I knew what had happened. I know my neighbor is a decent person an would not maliciously do something like that. I let it go without even directly asking. I still have a good relationship with my neighbor, the look I saw on his face told me he was punishing himself enough. I have no idea as to the personality of the person you are refering to, but remember this can happen to the best of us, and does not necessarily make them a bad person.