Forum Discussion

ridingfamily4's avatar
Dec 04, 2014

Internal Organs pushed towards spine

I have a 14 year old (F) boxer named Sammie.

We knew she has arthritis/spondylosis and has been on Tramadol and had been diagnosed with the thyroid issue a few months back and is now on Synthroid. She has also had seizures in the past and the vet did not want to put her on anti-seizure meds. saying it might take away her quality of life.

We took her in to the vet earlier this week, she wasn't eating/drinking well and had vomited. She had another seizure.

The vet manually checked her abdomen, did blood work and took xrays.

When she pushed her abdomen a certain way, Sammie winced in pain.

Blood work came back all normal.

Xrays showed her internal organs are pushed up towards her spine. Vet said that it was either a mass pushing them up there or it was "positional" meaning the way she was sitting for the xrays made it look that way.

Unless we were willing to spend another $450 (visit was already $550 - dr visit, x rays, blood work and new meds) and wait for the visiting ultrasound dr, there was not much more she could diagnose.

Her pain med was changed and she was put on the anti-seizure med.

She seems to feel better and is definitely eating/drinking better.

I know 14 y/o boxers are uncommon and I know that cancer is a huge risk with them.

Is the diagnosis most likely a mass? Is there such a thing as positional movement of the organs towards the spine? Isn't the pain significant?

I asked these questions of my vet, but not sure I rec'd a good answer - if there is one without doing the ultrasound.
  • Common symptom of thyroid is dog loses tail hair ie rat tail. MY dog was on seizure meds for 8 years. That is BS about quality of life. Your dog could have a seizure when you are not there and become seriously injured. I would have walked out and found another vet. My dog gets the same medical care I get for myself. I don't go to bad DRs and neither does my dog. Sorry, JMHO.
  • ridingfamily4 wrote:

    When she pushed her abdomen a certain way, Sammie winced in pain.

    Is the diagnosis most likely a mass? Is there such a thing as positional movement of the organs towards the spine? Isn't the pain significant?

    With the pain on palpation, 14 year old Boxer and symptoms an abdominal mass would be #1 on my list. Most abdominal masses are spleen or liver (but not all of them).

    Position can have some effect, but not usually towards spine unless positioning was really skewed.

    Hard to give any good advice, but the follow up suggestions by the vet are not out of line. Difficult decisions for sure.

    Doug, DVM
  • I guess my first question would have been why doesn't the mass show up on xrays or an MRI?

    Happy camping!!! See y'all down the road!!!