Mark - will your rules change due to the number of sheep you have? One of the things that helped my quest to clean up the little polluted stream was one farmer had grown enough to progress from a "large dairy farm" (for about a decade, he always had about 10 cows less than the 800-cow threshold (wink!)) to a CAFO; and now is bound by stricter rules regarding manure disposal, etc.
But Michigan has some dumb (IMO) rules: the one that naturally makes me crazy is that even though our Dep't of Enviro Quality "strongly suggests" that farmers leave a 35' natural-growth berm between planted fields and a waterway/drain; in truth, if a farmer wants to plant right to the lip of a creek/drain - he can. Granted, planting is a minor (erosion) problem; but when the manure spreader comes out - guess what ends up in the water, simply because it's too close?