Forum Discussion

CatandJim's avatar
Apr 30, 2014

Luxated Patella

Well, it has happened... We are experiencing something new with our Bella. All these years having pets and this is new to me. I took her to the vet yesterday after noticing that she was limping quite a bit and holding her right rear leg up from time to time. I will be doing my "homework" now about patella luxation and doing some research to find our best local surgical options to repair it. So far I have been getting estimates of anyway from $900 to $1500 for the surgery and aftercare. I am not as price conscience as I am quality oriented.

Bella is our Maltese mix rescued dog that we have enjoyed and loved for about a year and a half so far. I do not want her in pain, even though our vet described her as a "tough cookie" after putting her knee back in place only to have it pop back out yesterday. She barely even flinched. That's my girl!

If you have any experience with this condition feel free to share your information. Dr. Doug I hope you will chime in.

  • Had it done on my 11 year old sheltie/border collie mix in 1998 and he was fine afterwards - never limped or favored his leg. At that time I paid $600. We lived in a coach house condo and the bedrooms were upstairs. My hubby carried him up and down the stairs faithfully for weeks until my vet told me it was safe for him to do the stairs. Yes, I would have it done because for us it solved the problem and Mike never had anymore trouble. But of course you have to make that decision. Whatever you decide, I wish the best for Bella and hope she doesn't have any more trouble with her knee.

    Andy the sheltie
    and Nicky, the wonder horse
  • Our vet also recommended fish oil. He has also recommended Phycox HA, a joint supplement that includes glucosamine and MSM among other ingredients. Our 11 year old bichon mix is also on rimadyl for arthritis. We are careful not to let her "over-do," because it tends to encourage the patellar luxation. She has good days and bad days, but overall the treatments help. We spent $2800 last year to have a benign tumor removed from behind her eye, so we are not anxious to go the surgical route again.
  • My vet told me to use glucosamine and fish oil pills.Twice a day
    really helped our Newfound