Forum Discussion

QuietWater's avatar
May 28, 2013

Motorhome Magazine

In the current issue of Motorhome Magazine they have an article on Pet Friendly Parks for 2013 on page 16. The picture that accompanies the article illustrates one of my pet peeves at campgrounds. The lovely family is out for a hike with their dog going through the campground. I see similar campers like this just about every time I stay at a state park. The part I'm concerned about is the size of the dog and the little girl holding the leash. When that dog sees my pet or a squirrel, or any other attraction, that dog is going to be gone either dragging the little girl or completely pulling free. I know, your dog doesn't do that, but I see it happen all the time. If you are going to walk your dog through the campground, have someone holding the leash that can control the dog. After your dog has attacked my properly chained pet is not the time to apologize for not having a proper hold on it.
  • Aside from an out-of-control dog on the loose - what about the poor kid who just got yanked to the ground (and let's hope was able to let go of the leash?)

    There's one good thing to say for Jack, my Cattle Dog: he looks absolutely ferocious when riled up by a loose dog - he can stand his hackles up almost as high as his ears...LOL! Most people don't let their "friendly" dogs come check out Jack because any moron can see that Jack would prefer to NOT be "introduced" to other dogs.
  • It would depend on the individual dog and its training as to whether the girl could hold the dog back. Our neighbours dog is very well trained and will obey/not run or chase. When they take her camping, she is always leashed/tied up per rules, but at home she is loose when the owners are outside. The dog will sit at the side of the road and watch other dogs, cats going by and not move, even if the other dogs are making aggressive moves toward her.
    It is training and confidence in your child and dog about there abilities. Others, well!!!

    Beverley and Ken
  • Nothing I hate more than someone who lets a frisky dog run loose without a leash. While dog owners think "he's never hurt anyone", when it comes running up to my grandkids or even me barking. I'd just as soon be wearing DH's steel-toed boots and give it a swift kick in another direction.
  • Once at a rally I was out walking my dogs. I had a handicapped dog who could walk short distances and he was out getting exercised. He is a very tame dog, easy going, but only puts up with another dog's nose up his butt for a short time. Another family had a hyper Jack Russell they let run all over without a lease. He was interested in my dog and after Neal put up with his examination for a bit, he turned and nipped at him. The "mom" immediately picked up her dog and checked him over. She turned to me and said, "Well, it appears it didn't break the skin." I probably responded with "Oh well." She was acting like I was the perpetrator. My dog was leased and I had tried to move him away from her dog which was running wild. But he kept coming after him. Neal's lunge at him put a stop to that though.

  • QuietWater wrote:
    In the current issue of Motorhome Magazine they have an article on Pet Friendly Parks for 2013 on page 16. The picture that accompanies the article illustrates one of my pet peeves at campgrounds. The lovely family is out for a hike with their dog going through the campground. I see similar campers like this just about every time I stay at a state park. The part I'm concerned about is the size of the dog and the little girl holding the leash. When that dog sees my pet or a squirrel, or any other attraction, that dog is going to be gone either dragging the little girl or completely pulling free. I know, your dog doesn't do that, but I see it happen all the time. If you are going to walk your dog through the campground, have someone holding the leash that can control the dog. After your dog has attacked my properly chained pet is not the time to apologize for not having a proper hold on it.


    I don't think children should ever be allowed to walk dogs in CG's. They are not 'mentally developed' nor 'physically capable' to react correctly or quickly enough in case of an emergency situation. I will not take my dog outside my RV if I see children walking dogs.