Forum Discussion

anaro's avatar
Feb 10, 2014

need help with dog anxiety

Hi guys. I have a 7 month old rescue puppy (boxer/American bulldog) who we are not sure what to do with. We tried to crate train him. after 3 weeks a
of constant crying in the crate we gave up on nighttime crating (he's crated in our bedroom). he does fine locked in our bedroom with us at night. We have been crating him when we aren't home. Until last week he was fine with that. He was neutered on 2/1/14. The prior week he was getting a lot of Benadryl for an allergic reaction to an unknown allergen (since resolved but had resulted in facial swelling). So in the past week here is what he has done..... mon he was his usual self in the crate, tues he managed to dismantle on side of his metal crate (we reinforced it with zip ties tues night) and he peed on his bed in the crate (never had an accident in his crate since we got him thanksgiving weekend). wed he peed in his dog bed (different dog bed) and then shredded it to little pieces. Thurs nothing too major just some chewing type behaviors. Friday he chewed a zip tie off the crate. Sat he went into his crate for 2 hrs while we went out to dinner. When I got home I heard yelping, sprinted to his crate and found he had caught his jaw trying to chew his way out. he was ok other than an abrasion on his gum. Sunday we did a trial where we locked him the upstairs landing for 1 1/2hrs while we went out. Came home, no issues. Today we put him in the upstairs landing again. he chewed a section of baseboard and a section of wall.

When we crate him and in the upstairs hall he gets his antler, a kong filled with frozen peanut butter, and at least one other chew toy plus some water. He gets 2 short walks plus one long walk each day in addition to playtime (lots of fetch and tug of war) with us or the neighbors dog.

I don't think exercise is the issue. this is a sudden onset change in behavior within a few days of being neutered. Our vet does not want to medicate him since he is just a puppy. I still have some leftover rescue remedy from my old dog and am contemplating trying that. I might still have my DAP plug in too (will look for that tonight). I'm afraid to use the rescue remedy with an unknown allergy status and am also unfamiliar with its use in puppies. My vet is totally unfamiliar with this product and can't advise me on it. Anybody here ever use it on a puppy? Any other suggestions on what to do? I'm afraid he will hurt himself in the crate or inject something bad from eating the wall etc. any help is appreciated. thanks.
  • DEB and Ed- our vet is a mobile vet. Her clinic is in a specially designed class C type body. It even has an OR in the back. She knocked on the door and took him out to the clinic. She did the surgery in her clinic in our court, began the wake up process in the clinic and then brought him back to us in the house still wobbly. He spent the rest of the day resting either at our feet or in our laps.

    XTeacher, yes he gets a Kong with frozen peanut butter, an antler (I have 1 deer and 1 elk that alternate in there) and usually another chew toy plus a no spill water bowl.

    A little background on him, he was a rescue. The rescue got a hold of him and his litter in early November. He had been living outside with no shelter other than getting underneath a car. Mom gave birth to 4 puppies while tied to a fence or tree or something. Both Capone and one of his brothers were hit by a car. Capone had minor injuries (abrasions and sore) his brother did not survive. We adopted him when the rescue only had him for approx 2 1/2 weeks. He was almost agoraphobia when we first got him. I could barely get him out of the house and when I did he would cower at the sound of a car. He would not go for a walk at all. We hAve made great strides and now he loves going for walks although he is still a little shy when cars pass us in the neighborhood. I have to pick him up to get him in and out of the truck. He will freeze in one spot in the truck until we get there and then He won't get out even at home. We still have some issues to work out but had been mAking great strides until this week.

    Feeding him in the crate is a really good idea that I didn't think about.(yes he's fed twice daily). We used to do something similar with horses when trying to get them used to trailers. We discussed possibly getting a plastic crate yesterday and have not yet ruled that idea out.

    Thank you for the great suggestions everyone. Hopefully with more patience and time he will come around, preferably before he hurts himself.
  • Thank you for rescuing him. X2 on the ticking clock and I would add a thunder shirt; also sitting with your arm around him in a dominant position to establish your alpha status.
  • I had a friend who had this same problem with a boxer. Tried all different types of crates and he destoyed each one injuring himself in the process. Was overheated and foaming at the mouth. They gave up and left him loose in the blocked off kitchen where there was linoleum. Problems stopped - he simply hated being crated. He now can be left along and is free to go into any part of the house and is now 5 years old. My personal feeling is that a crate should be the dog's "safe place" and not simply the place you lock them up at while you go away.

    PS - because we have always had rescued puppy mill dogs that lived in kennels/crates for years, we have never used a kennel or crate and have not allowed them to ever be put back in one again.
  • Poor Baby, Im so glad he's in a good home with someone who cares for him....

    When we first got Dudley he was 5-years old but he also had separation anxiety. Also a rescue found wondering the streets. He used to howl when we left him, we were lucky enough that chewing wasn't a factor.

    We just increased the time we left him alone a little more each time,along with some meds, like Dr Doug said, and eventually he started to trust us more and more to where he could handle being along.

    Keep spoiling him, he will feel comfortable when he's ready. You care, that is probably 50% of the solution already.
  • Go Dogs wrote:
    Here's my 2 cents on separation anxiety. The Dog Whisperer has stated the same.
    Dogs are pack animals. The pack consists of Alpha,(leader) and subordinate members. The Alpha dog would never allow subordinate members to leave without 'permission'. This pup does not recognize you as the pack leader. He feels that there is something very wrong, when he can't locate his pack. It is natural for a dog to try and assume Alpha status, if he feels there is no one in that position.
    Pup has tried to fill the Alpha position, even though he is not emotionally mature enough for the job.
    A dog as strong as this one will most certainly cause massive chewing damage to the house and himself. I have known dogs to jump from second and third floor windows.
    The OP needs to establish himself as the Alpha pack leader. Then, he will be able to come and go at will, and the pup can relax. Having someone else as Alpha dog will de-stress the pup.

    I'm sure you'll get other opinions. This is just my opinion.

    He needs another Dog.... worked for me.....

    Mike C.
  • Our dear Jessie our first dog we had hated her crate. She wasn't destructive, but could she bark and she had a lot of potty accidents inside her crate. We crated Jessie for 6 weeks and finally gave up. The first night out of her crate she slept with us and the next day she had the run of the house. She was one happy dog after that.

    The two dogs we have now love their crates. If we get the crates out its like a big treat for them.