Well,may be I don't need to post again about humming birds, for a while.
I'm learning. The ones with the white bands on their tail feathers are apparently all males. The fans they make go around about as far as a turkey. they display against each other, while hovering, at the feeders. They apparently manuver wit their tail feathers too. The others, probably a ll females seem to keep their tail feathers closed. This morning I saw some emerald color on the backs of some and some blues and a little red on one. Can't see them, in te evening, usually because the feeder is up high and the sun behind them. A whole lot of them in the trees. i don't know if they've been here all along and I just now notice them because of the feeders or if the feeders have drawn them in from some distance. Saw some outside the east porch this evening. No feeders there. They darted out from the trees and maybe grabbed gnats. I don't know how they see them at a hundred feet or so. There is eally a lot of them around. Guess I'll put a feeder on the east porch too. Don't know when to bring in the feeders. I don't want to keep them here all winter. they might not survive.
Any idea how long to keep feeders out?