Forum Discussion

punomatic's avatar
Nov 12, 2015

Old dog leaving calling cards

Our 12 1/2 year old spayed, female Bichon mix, Pogo, has started occasionally leaving one little piece of poo around the house. They are about the size of a grape. This is new behavior that has been going on for about 4 months. It is becoming more frequent. Today we found two such offerings.

Pogo had a benign tumor removed from behind her right eye two years ago. It has returned along with what appears to be the same thing behind her left eye. Recently, she has had skin issues, including a current staph infection on her belly. She also has a bit of arthritis and a right patellar dislocation that comes and goes. She routinely takes Rimadyl and a Phycox supplement for those issues.

Pogo is a very nervous dog and shortly after we got another dog, Lulu, three years ago, our veterinarian put Pogo on Prozac. The Prozac has helped considerably with Pogo's ability to enjoy contact with other people and other dogs.

She seems to be happy and frisky, and our veterinarian says she is basically pretty healthy. Our question is this: has anyone had a similar experience with a long-house-trained dog beginning to have "accidents?" If so, how did you handle it?

BTW, that's Pogo in the foreground and Lulu behind her.
  • Pogo is a lovely girl. Having had old dogs in my life, I would bet she doesn't even know she's leaving those little marbles laying around or where theycame from. There is also the possibility that her lack of awareness is a side effect of her meds, Regardless, I'd handle it the same as the poster above, I would just dispose of them as calmly as if Pogo were your dear great-aunt. We all get old, "stuff" happens. Puddles around the house are much harder to deal with. We've been that route, too, because of heart meds the dog was taking. Just enjoy her until she is not having fun anymore. You'll know when that happens and can deal with it then.
  • It happens, we have a 15 year old dachshund who likes to take a pee or a poo once in a while in the house or rv. Not too often but it happens. Guess we can't be too hard on him as he has cataracts, coughs, wobbles when he walks, and begs for food 24/ we don't scold him anymore, we just let him know its an accident and all's ok. That's after he does it and his ears are already back....