Acampingwewillgo wrote:
Its removal of at least one tooth, more likely. She has had dental before, many years ago. I may reconsider again and have the teeth done but leave the fatty tumor. Were just worried in regards to her age and being put under analgesia.
I just had my oldest Collie's teeth cleaned, she is 14.5 years old. If the pain from the bad tooth may cause your dog to quit eating. There is no way I would let a dental problem go. If it becomes infected it can lead to heart problems.
I lost a Collie that had major heart issues. I was afraid of putting him under. This was a major mistake on my part and I still feel guilty for it. Quality of life is another issue of letting dental problems go. If you have ever had a toothe ache you know how painful it can be.
Today's anesthesia is a lot better then years ago. I would listen to my vet.